If you have been charged with a crime, you may accept reduced charges and sentences so that you don't have to go to trial. This is known as plea bargaining, and it is a relatively common way of resolving criminal cases. However, you ought to consider the following potential disadvantages of plea bargaining before accepting a deal.
You May Feel Pressured Into a Deal
- You were sitting at a red light on your motorcycle, waiting for the light to turn so you could pull ahead—then in the blink of an eye, you were on the ground with your bike flung to the other side of the street. Someone rear-ended you. Luckily, you are still alive, though injured. But what should you do now? Who is liable for your medical costs and other expenses? Her
- It's always scary when you or someone with you is bitten by a dog. However, it is also important to keep your head about you and quickly take control of the situation. To do so effectively, follow this simple procedure: Step 1: Secure the Dog A dog that is aggressive enough to bite one person may very well bite another. For this reason, the first step in getting
- If you've been diagnosed with a disability that is expected to prevent you from working for at least a year, it's time to apply for Social Security disability benefits. These benefits are provided to individuals who are unable to work due to medical, emotional, or psychological disabilities. When you're ready to apply for benefits, you should contact an attorney who's
- Are you sick and tired of seeing corruption proliferate in your workplace? Are regulations and standard practices being violated left and right with administration encouraging the violations and perhaps even threatening those who don't step in line? You might be considering whistle-blowing (or in other words, reporting your employer to the relevant agency). Whistle-bl