Car insurance companies have several quirks, some of which can be downright worrisome. One of those issues is refusing to pay on medical claims that are a direct result of your car accident. If your accident was so severe that it severed a limb, the company absoluely should pay on your claim, especially if it falls under a covered medical emergency. If the insurance c
- In the legal strategy known as a plea bargain, people charged with a crime plead guilty in return for reduced charges or a specific penalty. Prosecuting attorneys sometimes prefer this option because it saves time and money, and they know courts tend to already be overloaded with cases. If you've been charged with a crime, you may be torn between having a lawyer defen
- No matter what type of work you do, there is always a possibility that you could be hurt on the job. In order to be properly prepared if you are ever injured at work, you need to know some of the steps and procedures that you will need to go through in the case of an injury at work. Then, if you are injured at work, you can contact a workers compensation attorney and
- Sometimes, it's obvious who is at fault in an automobile accident. A drunk driver who causes an accident is clearly negligent due to their decision to drink and drive; a person who runs through a red light is negligent in failing to follow the rules of the road. But what happens when it's the condition of the road that causes an accident? Weather Conditions There are
- Rather than get married, there are many couples who simply choose to cohabitate. This decision comes with it's own upsides and downsides. Cohabitation is much easier to enter into, but isn't as easy to get out of due to legal complications. But you can avoid these by making the right decisions. Create a Cohabitation Agreement If you and your partner have a dispute, yo