If most motorists had to choose between being in a single-car accident and a collision with another driver, they might select the former. Of course, no one wants to be in an accident, but the idea of only your vehicle being damaged often sounds less serious than finding yourself on the side of the road with a damaged vehicle and another motorist facing the same. It's
- If you work at an office and you do not stand up often enough, you may place yourself at risk of blood clots. However, if this happens, you likely wouldn't be able to make a strong workers' compensation case because you usually have the ability to stand up. However, if you are employed at a job where you are forced to sit for hours a day without moving, such as if you
- When a fire impacts your business, you need to turn to your insurance company to avoid total loss. But what happens when you find out that your policy doesn't cover fire and that this information was not shared with you? Then you have commercial litigation on your hands, because your insurance company likely committed a bad faith act against you. Bad Faith Does Includ
- Are you running into a few complications as the executor of a deceased loved ones estate? Are you now in a deep hole in the administration process and have no idea how to get out of it? Being that making a mistake with settling the estate can land you in a legal dispute, it is wise to move forward with the help of an estate administration attorney. He or she can assis
- If you have young kids, you need to make sure that you have a well established estate plan. When you have kids, there are some extra details that you need to make sure to take care of. Designated Guardians First, you need to make sure that you set up designated guardians for your children. You need to discuss this with the individuals that you choose as your child's d