Finding a job after you graduate college can be rough. Ordinarily, if you can't find a job with your degree, you still aren't entitled to cancel your student loans. However, there are some provisions in the law that will allow it. If you're struggling with debt related to student loans that you think were unfair, this is what you should know about the "Defense Against
- As the custodial parent of your child, you have a lot of responsibilities. While you may feel overwhelmed at all the tasks involved with raising a child alone, it's important to focus on the relationship your child has with their non-custodial parent. Below are three tips on helping your child to strengthen their relationship with the non-custodial parent and how you
- Upon being injured in an automobile accident in which you weren't at fault, one of the options at your disposal is to seek legal counsel and consider pursuing legal action. It's beneficial to take a little time to find the right lawyer for your case. Not only should he or she ideally specialize in auto accident cases, but you should also be able to talk to the lawyer
- Transitioning from military life to civilian life is difficult for many different reasons. It's a completely different culture, and some veterans know the military as their first independent life move after graduating from high school. If you have the connections and mental state to make a move to civilian life, you may still be restricted because of pain, mobility is
- Any injury can end up costing you a small fortune. If your injuries are caused by someone's neglect, you have some options to recover the lost wages and medical costs suffered as a result of the injury. Below, you will learn what you can do to try to recover some of the money you have lost due to this injury. File an Insurance Claim Prepare yourself for filing an insu