You've been dreaming of this day since you started college. It's finally time to open your own business. You're ready to rent the building, hire employees and get started with your life. Not so fast. If you've started on this adventure without legal representation, you might be setting yourself up for failure – and litigation. Before you open your own business, you ne
- Life for some can be very rushed. If you are a person who has to start and end your days running at 100 miles per hour, it can be easy to become tired. Sometimes, depending on your responsibilities, you may find yourself driving while tired. The unfortunate part of drowsy driving is that you may not be as safe as you should be. This can mean that you begin to swerve,
- If you are currently looking into trusts for the first time, you may be surprised to learn that there are actually several different kinds of trusts. If the trust or trusts that you want to create are meant to give money and possessions to your children, then you might want to look more closely at revocable living trusts and fixed trusts. Here is how th
- It's no secret that the Veterans Affairs (VA) disability appeal process is slow, but you shouldn't simply accept poor performance issues without at least trying to break through the problems. Making a few calls can move you to the next part of your claim or appeal's process a bit faster, but you may eventually run into a legitimately long queue. If calls and complaint
- When early mankind traveled across the continents, they left behind carvings in stone and painted drawings on cliffs and caves, marking where they'd been. While those ancient human hallmarks are now considered treasures, doing the same today while on vacation can get you involved in a legal headache you'd probably prefer to avoid. If you and your family or friends are