Being in a car accident will seriously affect your life. You are going to have to deal with so many things. That can include medical bills, repair bills, and even being sued by the other people involved in your accident. If you are dealing with a lawsuit, either one you are bringing or one brought against you, you need to do the same thing. You need to see an attorney, and you are going to have to bring the same documentation and paperwork either way. So, what are some of the things you should bring with you when you meet your personal injury attorney?
Medical Records
You need to bring all medical records relating to your accident. That includes records from the hospital, your primary care physician, any specialists, and any other medical professional you have seen because of the accident. You should also sign a release with the doctor so that they can speak to your attorney. When you sign a release, it lasts for a finite period, and you can limit what exactly your doctor can talk to your attorney about. Signing the medical release so that your doctor can answer your attorney's questions will just make the process easier for you, your attorney, and your doctor.
Insurance Records
You should also provide your insurance information to your attorney. This includes your medical insurance as well as your auto insurance. This information will let your attorney know about anything that might come up as a problem in your lawsuit. For example, if you have been in several accidents, that information will appear on your auto insurance record and your opponent may be able to use that against you in court. Likewise, if you have a clean insurance record and have been with the same insurance company for a long time, that can show that you are a safe driver and that being involved in an accident is out of character for you. That may be able to get any lawsuit to end up in your benefit.
If you have been in a car accident, you are going to have to deal with so many things. If a lawsuit is one of those things, then you should make sure that you hire an attorney to help you. Make sure that you give your attorney all the information they can use to help you out when it comes to the courtroom.